Sunday, August 13, 2006


I came across this poem which if you know the context of the racial situation in America makes a lot of sense,

    My best friend said that he
    Was now a "person of color,"
    Whereas I was simply "white."
    He used to call himself "black,"
    Which to me was perfectly all right.
    But my art teacher pointed out to us
    That black is the absence of color.
    Which shouldn't really get him down,
    Since he really isn't black, but rather
    A beautiful shade of brown.
    Which is a color.
    As are those with yellow, red or golden skin.
    Whereas white, (my color),
    Has all the other colors within.
    Which I suppose through and through
    Makes me colored too!
    So it appears my best friend was simply in error,
    We all seem to be "persons of color."

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