Yesterday I thought I will catch up with a colleague of mine who was working on another project and we hadn’t had a chance to sync up for a long time.
I sent a message asking if we could have some coffee together. I did this around
While boarding the bus transport (the company has provided a bus facility for regular timings. Saves a lot of hassles), I had a talk with my bus buddies where we devised an evil conspiracy to try and get rid of the bus and go back to the cabs that we used to get earlier. Had a lot of fun while doing that. Today we have a meeting with the transport function to raise all the issues that we have with the facility.
I have seen this happening a number of times. And in my older organization also. There are millions of people out there who use either self transport or public transport which to my mind is the worst. They travel anywhere between 10 to a 100 kilometers every day and they do it because their organizations haven’t made provisions for any such facilities. But we who have this facility are always complaining about the standard of the facility that we get. It seems the more you give, the more “they” will ask. It seems nothing ever is enough.
So today, when I came in, I saw a message which was posted at around 40 minutes after I had left. It said a simple “Hello”, maybe checking if I was at my seat at the time before engaging any further.
I replied back :
“too late for me I am not like those people who take faltu(unnecessary) breaks and then work late to show off. I am like those who take faltu breaks and still leave on time .“
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