Sunday, October 02, 2005

Blog 0.1

Ok ... Finally on insistance of my good friend Amit Goyal I decided to start my own blog ...

Apparantly this is a very good and the in thing these days ...

A little bit about me...

Name: Amit George
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Location: India

Interests: Guitar, photoshop, movies, anything that catches my attention
Favourite movie: Keeps Changing. (Currently Swades)
Favourite band or musician: Oasis
Favourite genre of music: Good Music
Operating System: Windows 2003 Server
MP3 player of choice: Windows Media Player
Wallpaper of choice: Blue skies
Skin of choice: My own... Can't stand anybody else's stink...
Favourite game: Kanche
Personal Quote: Any similarity between me and a human being is completely unintentional !!
Tools of the Trade: Notepad++, Photoshop, ASP, SQL Server, PHP, MySQL, Visual Foxpro and more...

So whats up with this name ? TechRodent ?

Well life is such a complicated journey .... and

Actually, rats learn by trial-and-error, have a superb memory and will outperform most other creatures (including people) on the 2nd attempt through a maze.

Cheers Then

DO grace my blog with your generous comments..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Start!

When I asked you to go for Swades then you said you don't like such movies, now it's your favourite movie.

Let's see how often and how much interesting blog posts you do!